Contempt sanction notice in family court orders

August 7, 2013

I actually have a form file, contempt sanction notice, that contains language I infrequently include at the bottom of proposed family court orders: Take notice

Sue the cuckolder elsewhere

August 7, 2013

Cheated-upon spouses occasionally inquire whether they can sue the other man (or woman) for breaking up their marriage.  In South Carolina the answer is no:

Changing family formation and the practice of family law

August 2, 2013

The past twenty years have seen rapid demographic changes in family court clientele.  I am seeing fewer divorces among the professional/managerial classes and seeing more

How to help a family court litigant who failed to show up for trial

August 1, 2013

A couple times each year I will get contacted by a family law litigant who failed to show up for trial and wants to appeal


