Gregory S. Forman
171 Church Street, Suite 160
Charleston, SC 29401

(843) 720-3749
(843) 614-5086 (fax)

If you are looking to schedule a consultation or retain Mr. Forman please fill out this form and he will get back to you promptly.

Be aware that Mr. Forman does not provide free legal advice or advice about anything other than South Carolina family law and appellate law.

Mr. Forman currently charges $500.00 for initial consultations, which last one-hour. This consult fee is due at the time the consult is scheduled and is non-refundable. You are welcome to use this link to pay the consult fee and Mr. Forman will get back to you about scheduling the consult.

For consultations that require substantial document review prior to the meeting or last more than an hour, the fee may be greater.

Mr. Forman’s retainers are dependent upon the complexity and urgency of the matter, along with the geographic area where the matter will be litigated. They typically range from $3,000 to $10,000.

Please do not send confidential information. No attorney-client relationship or privilege attaches until Mr. Forman is retained.

Put Mr. Forman’s experience, knowledge, and dedication to your service for any of your South Carolina family law needs.

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