Is sex still an essential component of marriage?
January 24, 2025
Interesting article in today’s New York Times, She Was Faulted in Her Divorce for Refusing Sex. A European Court Disagreed. The article addresses a French
August 21, 2020
A few months ago, the New York Times posted a story, Divorcing Parents Have a Right to Post Their Stories Online, Court Says, discussing a
Is empathy really useful for a family law attorney?
January 5, 2017
A recent New York Times ROOM for DEBATE discussed Does Empathy Guide or Hinder Moral Action? The anti-empathy debater defined it as “the capacity to
Can someone be too demented to consent to sex with a spouse?
April 15, 2015
There’s an interesting, and quite disturbing, article in the April 14, 2015 New York Times regarding the upcoming trial of Henry Rayhons, a now-former Iowa
United States Supreme Court on the left side of history in two rulings on gay marriage
June 27, 2013
To the surprise of no one who has been paying attention, the June 26, 2013 United States Supreme Court opinions in the cases of United
Presiding over the decline in the legal profession
February 5, 2013
Between my work as a volunteer attorney mentor, being asked by a Philippine attorney working on a book about legal career paths to describe mine,
Is habitual and flaunted jaywalking “conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice”
February 5, 2013
Recently South Carolina’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) has taken action against attorneys for their activities outside the context of actual cases if these acts
The New York Times and Family Law
July 29, 2012
The amount and quality of the journalism coming from the New York Times that touches on issues related to family law is–literally–remarkable. I could easily