My first paid co-mediation

Posted Thursday, April 28th, 2011 by Gregory Forman
Filed under Mediation/Alternative Dispute Resolution, Of Interest to Family Court Litigants, Of Interest to Family Law Attorneys, South Carolina Specific

My wife, Karen Anne Klickstein-Forman, and I both became certified family court mediators in 2009.  Since that time both of us have handled paid mediations separately.  We have handed pro bono mediations in DSS abuse and neglect cases together.  Today, for the first time, we handled a paid mediation together.

Karen is a Licenced Independent Social Worker, Clinical Practitioner.  There are studies showing that husband-wife teams and mental health professional/attorney teams make good family court co-mediators.   Co-mediating with Karen works quite well.  With her social work training, she is able to make litigants emotionally comfortable when they are fearful or upset, while my more analytical training is useful when litigants need to be directed to refocus on resolving their dispute.  Often one of us can caucus with the other side to get simple issues resolved without having to continually run back and forth.

In under seven hours we resolved a complicated relocation and child support modification dispute with the parties walking out with a signed formal agreement.   Our current fee for co-mediation is only $250.00 per hour, less than some attorneys charge for solo family court mediation, and we offer free lunch and free parking.

There’s tremendous pleasure in accomplishing a difficult and productive task with one’s spouse.  I would love to develop our co-mediation practice to the point in which we are handling a couple mediations every month together.  If you are interested in having us co-mediate your domestic dispute, please contact me.


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