Tips for drafting a response to your first grievance

March 30, 2012

An attorney I am informally mentoring just received her first letter from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (OCD).  As everyone in family law knows, grievances

Gotta walk before you can run

March 29, 2012

Quite often in my practice I will meet with a parent, typically a mother, who has been under an order of supervised visitation for a

Taking 30(b)(6) depositions for family court cases

March 22, 2012

Since few family court cases involve corporate or government agencies as witnesses or parties, family law attorneys rarely consider the benefits of noticing a deposition

Well you married ‘em

March 22, 2012

Though it might be legally relevant, I try to avoid having my clients focus on the bad behavior of their spouses that pre-date the marriage

Mischief potential in restraints against disposing of marital property

March 19, 2012

Many family court attorneys routinely seek a restraining order at the beginning of a marital dissolution case against “disposing of, hiding, encumbering, or in any

Court of Appeals holds that multi-state child custody jurisdiction statutes are applicable to termination of parental rights/adoption cases

March 16, 2012

In the March 16, 2012 opinion in Anthony H. v. Matthew G.,397 S.C. 447, 725 S.E.2d 132 (Ct. App. 2012) the Court of Appeals held

South Carolina appellate courts finally apply the sibling visitation statute (and of course it’s unpublished)

March 15, 2012

I have a long-held intellectual fascination with South Carolina’s sibling visitation statute, S.C. Code § 63-3-530(A)(44), so much so that I wrote a blog with

When you are your own attorney

March 13, 2012

A quote I often hear ascribed to the incomparable Gedney M. Howe, III (though I have never actually heard him say it) is: When you


