Who you calling crazy?

August 5, 2010

Today the South Carolina Supreme Court, at the request of our state bar, promulgated new rules requiring all attorneys and judges to attend one hour

Frequently Asked Question on organizing a family court file

April 22, 2010

Having had one more potential client show up today with a stack of disorganized paperwork, I finally decided to publish a memo I had drafted

Rule 11 affirmations for family court motions

March 17, 2010

A colleague of mine has asked me to blog on when a Rule 11 affirmation is required for a family court motion.  The requirement for

The culture’s misconceptions about condonation

March 3, 2010

Condonation (a legal term meaning “conditional forgiveness”) is a powerful defense to a fault divorce in South Carolina.  If proven, condonation revives an alimony claim

Entrepreneurial cognizance within the professions

October 29, 2009

Last week Thomas L. Friedman, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times columnist, wrote a piece describing the current recession as largely caused by

Risking one’s law license

October 18, 2009

Just this month, one of my local family law colleagues was placed on interim suspension by the South Carolina Supreme Court.  Not only did this

Mentoring newly licensed attorneys

October 17, 2009

In December 2008, the South Carolina Supreme Court reestablished a second pilot mentoring program, in which all qualifying lawyers admitted to the Bar between March 1,

Buying one’s way out of court appointments

October 6, 2009

Under South Carolina Appellate Court Rule 608, most South Carolina attorneys are required to be on either the criminal or civil court appointment list, in


