Are we headed to an encyclopedia of child custody restraints (and is that something we actually want)?

January 29, 2024

This is another blog inspired by last Friday’s guardian ad litem training.  As I enter my fourth decade of practice and acknowledge that my legal

The latest insane restraining order making the South Carolina family court rounds

June 17, 2022

I am on repeated record in finding numerous provisions of the typical South Carolina custody order to be overly broad, stupid, and frankly reckless.  Over

The explicable, but almost certainly unconstitutional, restraint on parents and spouses posting to social media

August 21, 2020

A few months ago, the New York Times posted a story, Divorcing Parents Have a Right to Post Their Stories Online, Court Says, discussing a

Building better restraining orders

September 20, 2017

A few weeks ago I blogged about what I considered ill-conceived child custody restraining orders. These restraints criminalized behavior that, while not ideal, are hardly

South Carolina child custody restraining orders I really hate

August 26, 2017

By the same process that causes attorneys’ boilerplate to grow over time–they borrow “good” ideas from other attorneys but never weed out redundant or obsolete

Supreme Court approves permanent restraint against mother’s exposure of child to convicted sex-offender boyfriend

June 20, 2012

In the June 20, 2012 decision of Argabright v. Argabright, 398 S.C. 176, 727 S.E.2d 748 (2012), the South Carolina Supreme Court affirmed a permanent restraint

Overnight paramour restraints and homosexual relationships

February 18, 2012

A state that denies homosexuals the right to marry has no right to punish them for living together without being married. In 1967, the United

Stupid (overly broad and vague) parental restraining orders

February 17, 2012

My one-man war against overly broad restraining orders continued this week, as I observe an accelerating trend towards guardians, litigants and judges wanting to micro-manage


