Impeaching a guardian ad litem who’s gone (too) rogue
October 6, 2012
Twenty years experience shows that there’s some validity to Robert Rosen’s jaundiced view of guardians ad litem in private custody cases, best expressed by the
(Un)important unpublished rehabilitative alimony opinion from Court of Appeals
February 2, 2012
I was eagerly awaiting the Court of Appeals decision in Allen-Hines v. Hines because I was hoping it would answer the question of whether a
Anatomy of a family court ex-parte order
October 13, 2010
With many thanks to Robert Rosen, who has greatly shaped my thinking regarding the proper form of family court ex-parte orders, the link below contains
Why I love my scanner and Adobe Acrobat
July 10, 2010
Starting about 2003, I would occasionally hear lawyers lecture on “the paperless office.” While I consider myself on the leading edge of technological savvy for